There are a few steps to getting started with DDS Overhead Management:
1. Continue to the following page to fill out your practice information.
2. View and sign the membership agreement. Please read in full, because there are some important conditions for the membership that you’ll need to be aware of.
3. Enter your credit card information for the monthly membership fees. Once this has been submitted, we will approve your account and you will now be a member. Please note that it can take up to 24 hours to approve your account.
4. You will receive an email with your member ID number and other important information. Please save your member ID number because you will need it in the future.
5. The participating vendors will be listed on the website. Please contact them using the contact info provided. Tell them you are a DDS Overhead Management Member and provide them with your member ID number.
6. If you have any questions or need help, contact us anytime using the Contact Us form on the website or call (800) 640-1140.